While some may believe that wallpaper is a trend of the past, it can be used in a variety of innovative and modern ways to truly enhance any space in your home! At Gleco Paint Stores we offer special order wallpaper from the nation’s top wallpaper designers and suppliers, so giving any room in your home a new look will be a breeze! Before you begin your next redecorating project, consider using some of these five genius wallpaper hacks and add a contemporary edge to your design.
One of the most modern and engaging uses of wallpaper involves its application to the risers of stairs. This hack is perfect for use in home decor, especially when there is a staircase near the entrance. While some may choose a more simple pattern to accentuate their staircase, a more engaging look may be achieved by using portions of an image, which can be gradually built up into its entirety when you look at the staircase as a whole.
Looking for an exciting art piece to hang in your home that won’t cost a fortune? Try framing an interesting wallpaper design and hanging it on a solid-color wall. This wallpaper hack effectively adds a unique touch to the room without complicating the overall design or tone of yournewly-decorated space, and there are countless options!
Create an intriguing appeal to the lamps and lighting fixtures in your home or office space by applying wallpaper to the inner or outer surface of the shade. Adding a unique accent to your lighting fixture will give your guests something to talk about. This innovative touch is highly modern, yet not super common, so it will make any room in your home or workspace more interesting.
By choosing a unique wallpaper design to decorate a space, you will not only attract the attention of visitors and guests, but can also actively stimulate your creativity on a regular basis. Try not to shy away from using a design that may be more interactive than what you are typically comfortable with. While the art of design can be incredibly subjective, you should feel empowered in choosing a pattern that feels right for you and the space you are redesigning.
While wallpaper has traditionally been used to cover an entire space, consider using it in different areas of the room, especially where the shape of the room changes in regards to architecture! For example, if a square pillar emerges in the middle of a flat wall, consider using one solid color in this area, while you decorate the flat wall with a more complex pattern. Using different wallpaper designs together can create an intellectual and visually-engaging statement, similar to anaccent wall within a space. However, while using this technique, try not to exceed more than two patterns within one area.
With locations in Mt. Pocono, Scranton, and Easton, Pennsylvania, our staff members at Gleco Paint Stores are equipped to meet all of your interior decorating and refurbishing needs. Let us help you with your next home improvement project by following our five genius wallpaper hacks, and shopping our wide selection of wallpapers! While we specialize in various types of interior and exterior paint, Hunter Douglas Blinds, and Graber Window Treatments, we are proud to also offer advanced services for revamping your home with the top styles in wallpaper designs. If you are eager to start your next home improvement project, please contact us today! We can’t wait to work with you.
Every year, paint enthusiasts and interior designers eagerly await the announcement of Benjamin Moore’s Color of the Year, a paint trend forecast that sparks excitement and debate. Whether people are quick to embrace the color or need time to warm up to it, the influence on paint and design trends is undeniable. For 2025, Benjamin Moore introduces Cinnamon Slate (2113-40), a color that’s set to redefine how we approach interior paint choices.